
Dana is able to show us, in a clear and simple manner, that where there are differences in opinion, there are still possibilities of discussion and finding ways of dealing with disagreement.”

Christine Kono, Teacher, Paris, France


what is mediation?

As a mediator, I help people who feel stuck in conflict to engage in collaborative, constructive and informed dialogue with each other and to build sustainable, satisfactory agreements. My goal is not to make decisions for you, but to help you find your way as you move through difficult conversations, make your own decisions and discover solutions in challenging situations ranging from family to business to academic settings.

people come to mediation with goals such as:

  • to resolve an acute conflict.
  • to reduce ongoing friction or repetitive conflict in personal or work relationships.
  • to carry out a difficult conversation in a productive manner.
  • to enable a productive dialogue between groups that are in conflict.

Depending on the issue, mediation can be a short-term or a long-term process. Before scheduling a session, I speak with all parties to determine if a mediated conversation will be appropriate to their needs.


Image: Eve Jay